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APA Publishing's Books podcast, hosted by APA Books Editor-in-Chief, Laura Roberts, M.D. Psychiatry Unbound offers the opportunity to hear the voices behind the most prominent psychiatric scholarship in the field today. Subscribe now to learn about important topics in the field of psychiatry and see how our authors are making an impact in clinical settings throughout the world.

Nov 9, 2021

 “Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. Who can say what form of wiring will prove best at any given moment?”— Harvey Blume, The Atlantic, 1998

Dr. Lawrence Fung, a leader in the field of Neurodiversity discusses his new book Neurodiversity: From...

Apr 22, 2021

Dr. Laura Roberts interviews Dr. Paul Putman, the author of Rational Psychopharmacology: A Book of Clinical Skills. Rational Psychopharmacology is designed to advance practitioner's clinical knowledge, methodical assessment expertise, and diagnostic sophistication. Unlike other psychopharmacology books, this guide...